Thursday, November 13, 2008

This sums it up...

As you all well know (or will know if you hang out here), I am for the legalization of gay marriage. It is an unpopular position to take as a member of the LDS church, but it is truly where my conscious leads me. I do not understand the arguments against gay marriage. I truly feel that the positions taken are founded in fear. I truly do not care if my kids learn that two women can love each other the same way I love my husband. How is that a bad thing?! If my kids are gay then that is who they are. If they are straight that is who they are. Learning that there are gay people will not suddenly make them gay. I would hate to think that a child they know would have to be silent about their mommies and daddies, simply because it is not accepted by their family.

I have more to say on this, but this clip was passed on to me by a friend and sums much of it up for me. This is Keith Olbermann speaking about the recent passing of Prop 8.

1 comment:

kerryanner said...

Sarah- I so admire you standing up for a cause you believe in even if it isn't easy and others don't support it(wink). I agree with you on this 100%.