Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I went to my first yoga class last night. It was amazing and today I am in incredible pain! The class began with the lights turned off, candles glowing and soothing music playing. We were told to close our eyes and let go of all the stress in our lives, all the expectations put on us by others and ourselves. I needed that!

I danced for many, many year so I thought I would be fine in a yoga class. Yeah, I might have danced for a long time, but that was a long time ago! As we worked through the stretches my body was screaming at me. I looked around to see people much older than me having no problem with the poses and stretches and here I was about to die. I stuck with it though and it paid off...in the form of a nap! With 10 minutes to go we were told to lay down on our mats and relax. It was 10 minutes of quiet bliss. Any workout that begins with someone telling me to let go of all of my stress and ends with a nap is a great workout in my book.

Of course today I am finding that I have muscles that I didn't know existed, but I eagerly await my next class. Monday nights at 8:00 you will be able to find me at the Y letting go of my stress, becoming a warrior and taking a nap. You should try it out!


Heather said...

Good for you!! It's nice to have something for yourself. I took some Yoga classes in Florida when we were members of L.A. Fitness. Wow! It requires a lot of flexiblity and core strength! Have Fun!!

kerryanner said...

I love yoga! 2 kids ago I used to take classes at our Y and it was awesome. Now I have to do it at home with a video and at least one other kid doing "yoga" with me, lol!

Trevor, Caci, and Jace said...

So cool!! I totally want to try it!